Books By The Banks

I had a fabulous time at Books by the Banks in Cincinnati, Ohio on October 12, 2013 (sorry, I’m late with this post).  I met some authors I have been following for quite some time and got my copies of their fabulous books signed. I also got to meet a few new authors. The fantastic indie bookstore Joseph Beth Books was there, so I bought some new books. Imagine that!

Books by the Banks 10-12-13

My husband came along and graciously took photos.

Catherine McKenzie and Allie Larkin
Catherine McKenzie and Allie Larkin

I met my lovely Facebook friends Catherine McKenzie and Allie Larkin. Meeting them was so much fun, and guess what, they met each other in person for the first time that day and were sitting at the same table.

Catherine’s books are fantastic! She has written ARRANGED, SPIN, and FORGOTTEN. Her new book HIDDEN is available now in Canada and will be available on April 1, 2014 in the U.S.

Allie’s books are STAY and WHY CAN’T I BE YOU.  Allie has an incredible sense of humor, and this same humor is found throughout her books. You will love them.

Leah Stewart 10-12-13
Leah Stewart

Leah Stewart is the author of THE BODY OF A GIRL (which I have not read yet), THE MYTH OF YOU AND ME, HUSBAND AND WIFE, and her most recent, THE HISTORY OF US.  I loved each of her books, but possibly my favorite is THE HISTORY OF US, because there were so many Cincinnati references, and having lived most of my life in Cincinnati, I could identify with the locales and, therefore, felt I was part of the story.

Maria Semple 10-12-13
Maria Semple

I met Maria Semple and though I haven’t read her books yet, I have both THIS ONE IS MINE and WHERE’D YOU GO BERNADETTE in my to-be-read pile. I am positively looking forward to these two books.

Mindy McGinnis 10-12-13
Mindy McGinnis

Mindy McGinnis was a pleasure to talk with. Every photo of her I have seen shows a beautiful smile, and guess what? Mindy smiles a lot and has a very engaging personality. Though I haven’t read her debut novel NOT A DROP TO DRINK which came out on September 24th, my copy finally arrived. Hooray!

Janeen Coyle 10-12-13
Janeen Coyle

I love children’s books, and I love pugs, so I naturally wanted to meet Janeen Coyle author of A PUG WITH A PLAN. I bought her book at Books by the Banks and couldn’t wait to go home and read it.  There will be more about her book in a later post, but I can tell you I’m so glad I stopped by her table.

Sarah Curry Rathel 10-12-13
Sarah Curry Rathel

Sarah Curry Rathel introduced me to her debut novel THERE’S SOMETHNG DIFFERENT ABOUT MY HAIR. This book is the first in a series “to help all children realize, recognize, and respect their most important characteristic – their individuality.” (From Something Different Books webpage).  I will be posting more about this delightful book in a later post.

There were several other authors I wanted to meet, but time ran short for me. It was truly an honor for me to have the opportunity to meet these remarkable ladies. Please check out the authors and their excellent books. You’ll be glad you did.

Back From a Short Break

Grandsons with Grampa and GrammaI have been absent from my blog for a few weeks but for a good reason.  Two of my grandsons came to visit! While they were visiting, I didn’t even pick up a book, which is highly unusual for me. I take a book with me everywhere I go and read whenever I have a spare moment.

We had a fantastic time hiking at Natural Bridge State Park in Kentucky, where we took the ski lift to the top of the cliff, and riding roller coasters at Cincinnati’s Kings Island Amusement Park.  Now, I must tell you, I would never ride a ski lift or roller coaster any other time.  High places terrify me, but if it’s with my grandsons, I will try almost anything.  The amusement park took a photo of everyone on The Beast, and yes, there I am with a look of sheer terror on my face.   The time flew by, and they have returned to Boston, the house is neat and tidy, and I am missing them terribly. Now it is back to work.  I promise to blog more regularly, that is until my son and his wife have their first child in September. Then I will pack up and head out to Alexandria, VA to cuddle that new little one, and of course, to help out.

I am currently reading BELLA SUMMER TAKES A CHANCE by Michele Gorman and will have a review up shortly.