Working to Change the World

working-to-change-the-worldMadhusmita over at dreamzandclouds has very kindly nominated me for the new blogging award: The Working to Change the World Award. I so appreciate Madhusmita for nominating me for this award and for bringing her sunshine into my life each and every day.

This award was created by The Idealistic Rebel to recognize those bloggers at WordPress who are working to make a difference in the world. Recipients of this Award work hard and sincerely to make the world a better place, using their compassion, love and understanding, promoting open minds, free communication of ideas and above all, peace.

I am very honored by this nomination for The Working to Change the World Award. As with every other award, there are a set of rules & here they are:
1. Post the award on your blog
2. Link back to the person you nominated you
3. List one thing — however small — that you think would make the world better if everyone did it.
4. Nominate bloggers whom you feel help to Change the World — there’s no minimum or maximum, just a list of those you feel deserve.

Rule 1: Done

Rule 2: Done

Rule 3: The one thing which I feel can make the world a better place to live in is something I have always put into practice every chance I have. SMILE! When you smile at someone it brightens their day even if only for a short time. They reciprocate and the warmth spreads. People tell me that I’m always smiling, and I respond with a smile. So, share your sunshine and SMILE.

Rule 4: My nominations for this award are:

  1. S.J. Thomas’s Book Blurbs
  2. Julie Valerie’s Book Blog
  3. Daily (w)rite
  4. BetweenTheLines
  5. Such A Novel Idea
  6. Should Be Reading
  7. The Skeptical Reader
  8. Books for a Delicate Eternity
  9. Colline’s Blog
  10. The Kim Challenge
  11. Book Journey
  12. The Day Dreaming, Candy Eating, Red Headed Bookworm

To all the nominees –If you don’t do awards or have already received this one, kindly accept it as my appreciation for your wonderful blog. But then, if you want to, you can acknowledge the award & share that one thing which you feel can make the world better.

Congratulations to everyone, and keep smiling!

Related link:

The Cracking Chrispmouse Bloggywog Award


I love the darling logo for this award! I am so grateful to my friend Stephanie Thomas over at S.J. Thomas Book Blurbs for nominating me for yet another award, The Cracking Chrispmouse Bloggywog Award.  Thank you so much Stephanie. I am so very happy you thought of me for this recognition. Hugs to you.

So this award is designed to spread joy, peace, hope and love!  So please share the love and check out Stephanie’s blog. You will love it, and you will love Stephanie. She is so bubbly and happy and writes wonderful posts.

The Rules of the Award:

1.  Display the award logo on your blog.
2.  Link back to the person who nominated you.
3.  State 7 things about yourself
4.  Nominate 15 (more or less) other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5.  Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award requirements.

 7 Things About Me:

 1.   I love snow! This winter has been extraordinary with gorgeous snow-scapes just outside the window.
2.  My favorite winter food is chili – any kind of chili – so long as it is hot and spicy.
3.  Centipedes give me the creeps.
4.  Though I’m not one to watch a lot of movies, I love going to ‘kids’ movies.
5.  I want a puppy.  Puggles are my favorite, but I’m not too particular because all dogs are awesome.
6.  I cry when I hear our National Anthem.
7.  I can’t resist cookie dough.

 My Nominees Are:

If you don’t do awards or have already received this one, please just take it as a symbol of my appreciation of your totally awesome blogs. For all of your hard work and diligence, you are most deserving of this recognition.

  1.  Maxima
  2. Julie Valerie’s Book Blog
  3. Book Journey
  4. The Skeptical Reader
  5. Sam Still Reading
  6. Le Drake Noir
  7. Books for a Delicate Eternity
  8. Lipsyy Lost & Found
  9. 4writersandreaders
  10. The Day Dreaming, Candy Eating , Red Headed Bookworm
  11. Book-alicious Mama
  12. Crafty Staci
  13. Dreamzandclouds
  14. BetweenTheLines
  15. Stephanie’s Book Reviews

 Congratulations to everyone!

New Awards

My dear friend Stephanie has an outstanding blog over at S.J. Thomas’s Book Blurbs, and has nominated me for FOUR awards!  I met Stephanie though our blogs, and am so thankful for all the encouragement she has given me.

These awards didn’t come with any rules, so I’m just going to follow Stephanie’s lead and throw out some random facts about me and nominate a few bloggers who have inspired me with their various blogs.


Versatile Blogger


Most Creative Blogger Award


Most Influential Blogger


Reader Appreciation Award


A Few Facts about Me:

1. I love veggies, raw or cooked.

2. I would love to have a dog.

3. Snowmen make me smile.

4. I am fiercely loyal to family and friends.

5. I am an organization freak (someday I’ll share photos of my pantry closet, and storage room).

6. I love deep water exercise and Pilates.

7. I like spiders and snakes.

My Nominees:

  1. True STORIES
  2. Dreamzandclouds
  3. Bucket List Publications
  4. Books For a Delicate Eternity
  5. Book Journey
  6. Turn the Page Reviews
  7. digitalgranny
  8. Ese’s Voice
  9. Book-alicious Mama
  10. Low Country Book Lover
  11. sandra danby
  12. Should Be Reading
  13. 2 Little Hooligans
  14. Crazy. Sweaty. Mommy
  15. Traveling With T
  16. Maxima
  17. A Curious Gal


Congratulations everyone!  You are each very deserving of this recognition. I hope you will accept these awards, but if you don’t do awards or have already received these, please consider them a symbol of my admiration of you as a blogger and your amazing blog.

Blog of the Year 2013 Award

Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpeg

I’ve been nominated for The Blog of the Year Award 2013 by my good friend, sjthomas30 , author of the outstanding blog S.J.Thomas’s Book Blurbs.  Thank you so much for this wonderful and unexpected recognition!

There are so many fabulous blogs on a wide variety of topics that are deserving of recognition. I believe the blogs which I have nominated below are excellent examples of great blogs:

1.  Julie Valerie’s Book Blog

2. The Novice Gardener

3. dreamzandclouds

4. Cleopatra Loves Books

5. Books for a Delicate Eternity

6. Bucket List Publications

7.  Such A Novel Idea

8.  Shawn L. Bird

9.  Colline’s Blog

10. Should Be Reading

11. True STORIES

12. Turn the Page Reviews

13. Daily w(rite)

The instructions for this award are simple:

1-Select the blog(s) you think deserve the Blog of the Year 2013 Award.

2-Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen- there are no minimum or maximum number of blogs required- and ‘present’ the blog(s) with their award.

3-Let the blog(s) that you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the instructions with them- (please don’t alter the instructions or the badges!)

4-Come over and say hello to the originator of the Blog of the Year 2013 Award via this link:

5-You can now also join the Blog of the Year Award Facebook Page. Click the link here:

Share your blog posts with an even wider audience.

6-And as a winner of the award- please add a link back to the blog that presented you with this award-and then proudly display the award on your blog- and start collecting stars!


Yes-That’s right-There are stars to collect!

Unlike other awards which you can only add to your blog once-this award is different!

When you begin you will receive the ’1 star’ award- and every time you are given the award by another blog- you can add another star!

There are a total of 6 stars to collect.

Which means that you can check out your favorite blogs – and even if they have already been given the award by someone else – you can still bestow it on them again and help them to reach the maximum of 6 stars! You can either ‘swap’ your badge for the next one each time you are given the award- or even proudly display all six badges if you are lucky enough to be presented with the award 6 times!

You can find all the badges and banners and information you need via this link: ‘Blog of The Year 2013′ Award Badges.

Congratulations to all the nominees! Best of luck to every one!

The Shine On Award

The Crazy. Sweaty. Mommy nominated me for THE SHINE ON AWARD Please check out her amazing blog where she posts about all kinds of things but mostly about her exercise routine. I absolutely love reading her posts, even though just thinking about her routine wears me out.

Here are the rules of the award:
1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog, and link back.
3. Share seven random, interesting things about yourself.
4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers for the Shine On Award, provide a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.

Seven random things about myself that you may or may not know:
1. My grandchildren are the greatest gift my children have ever given me.
2. I don’t like watching television, so I usually read while my husband watches TV.
3. I love to exercise and I work out 5-7 days a week. Mostly, I do Pilates on a reformer which I have at home, but I spend a lot of time in the pool at the gym as well.
4. I want a puppy.
5. I love strawberry shortcake and fried pickles.
6. I’m terrified of high places, and every time I go on a roller coaster, I am positive I will die of a heart attack on the way down the hill. By now, I’ve probably died at least 100 times.
7. I will NEVER jump (skydive) out of a perfectly good plane. Not ever!

My fifteen nominees for The Shine On Award (in no particular order) imgres4are:
1. Book Blather
2. Julie Valerie’s Book Blog
3. S.J. Thomas’ Book Blurbs
4. Bucket List Publications
5. Such a Novel Idea
6. Daily (w)rite
7. Book magnet’s Blog
8. True STORIES.
9. Lowcountry Book Lover
11. The Novice Gardener
12. the skeptical reader
13. crafty Staci
14. Seeking Zeal
15. Cleopatra Loves Books

These are some of the blogs I enjoy following. Please check them out.
Thanks once again Crazy. Sweaty. Mommy for the nomination!