About Me

I am a reader who dabbles in writing.  So why am I blogging?

I am a reader, and this blog is about sharing the books I love, whether romance, historical fiction, chick lit, classic, contemporary fiction, or even an occasional children’s book.  I do not read young adult or teen. What I will never read are thrillers (I even hid behind a pillow during JURASSIC PARK). This blog is a place to talk about current reads and many of the wonderful books I’ve read over the years. It is a place to share writing/blogging tips, to reblog noteworthy posts from other blogs, and sometimes I even include personal events. I invite your comments and recommendations and hope you will find this a place to return to often.

A bit about me…

After college, I entered the workforce but soon left that behind when my children were born. While raising my sons, I embarked on a fulfilling volunteer path for such groups as our local children’s hospital, church, neighborhood association, PTA, classroom volunteer, Kindervelt, military academy parents’ organization, and Make-a-Wish. Volunteering enabled me to develop lifelong leadership skills and establish an extensive professional and social network. Of course, I have always been a voracious reader, seeking out books that are both fulfilling and enjoyable.

I am married to my soul mate and have three amazing adult sons and two wonderful daughters-in-law. My grandchildren bring me the greatest joy imaginable.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you like what you found here and will return often.

Love and Hugs,

Michelle Clements James

195 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hello Michelle! I’m so happy to meet you. You seem like an impressive and interesting person. I find it quite refreshing to find a reader’s blog. You have a great blog. Thank you for visiting and following my blog. I am now following your blog as well. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I also hid behind a pillow during Jurassic Park!! 🙂 I am easily scared. Thank you for all the words you have given me! 🙂 I love books too! But I mostly read children’s books. I write some reviews too. You can see here if you want too : http://grannysgarden.org/ . You are so kind and generous and sweet! I love all that you give! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Without intelligent readers and book bloggers, the internets would be a much duller place – and writers would have a hard time finding readers.

    I love that we reader/writers cannot control it. It has a huge life that was not possible except in things like book club discussions before.


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi! Just dropping in to say thank you for visiting my blog, and for the follow! I’ll be following you, also, as I love reading all types of books, and can certainly benefit from your reviews. Wishing you a very happy New Year! 🙂


  5. I’m really pleased to meet you. And delighted to read you are a reader, this surely has to-be a good thing ? Without readers, no-one would read our stuff. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hello there,
    thank you so much for following my blog! 🙂 But let me ask one question: how does it happen that you can read and understand German? I’m so curious and I like to know the story behind this. 😉

    Best whishes,
    Elli aka Wortmagieblog

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t read German nearly as well as I used to and I rarely ever speak it anymore. I minored in German in college back in the sixties and haven’t used it much since. Hopefully, reading your blog will help me refresh.
      Thanks for stopping by and for following back.
      Best to you,

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello again Michelle. Well, the day is nigh! I Belong to No One by Gwen Wilson is due for publication on June 30th in paperback and eBook simultaneously. The publisher is listing now for pre-order. I just checked Amazon US site and it is showing the kindle version. Wow! Let the ride begin!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks for the FOLLOW – always happy when this happens and a connection is made. Your blog looks wonderful…following you too. Hope you read my novel whenever you can — sample chapters available via my blog. Namasthe from south India!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Michelle,

    Thanks so much for following my blog and for your recent comments and visits. I appreciate them! Your blog sounds really fun and I also love to read, mostly romance, some suspense, but never thrillers (of course, poetry, too). Some of my favorite authors are Nora Roberts, Sandra Brown, Nicolas Sparks, and Susan Wiggs, but there are many more…anyway, I look forward to your posts.
    It was also nice to read that you’re married to your soul mate. My husband and I just recently celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and have an adult daughter and son, both in college…it’s nice to meet you and again, thanks for your support to my world!
    Take care, Lauren

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Yes, yes. I love poetry too. You are right – there are way too many great authors to name.
      Congratulations on your recent anniversary and may you have many, many more.
      Our sons are all out of college now, but how I remember those days! They were fun. We were lucky that we never had two in college at the same time. (Our sons are each 6 years apart).
      I’ll be stopping by your blog often.
      Warm regards,


      1. Well, the good thing is our daughter is a junior at a university and our son is just in his first year at our local community college, narrowing down to the choice for his major. If we had two at a university, well, ouch! But it’s not too bad now, except that we’re all getting older! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello! What a wonderful thing you do, to volunteer your time to so many useful organizations etc. I always wanted to volunteer my time at my son’s school. But, I have not done so much, as I work full-time. Thanks so much for stopping by and following. i really appreciate it!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi Michelle,
    I’ve just had two of my short stories published in an anthology and wondered if you would review the book on your blog?
    It’s called ‘The Milk of Female Kindness’ and includes short fiction, poetry, art, memoir and medical writing on the theme of honest motherhood. Some of the writers have recently given birth, others are grandmothers. Some, like me, are childless; my writing is inspired by memories of my own mother. Some of the pieces will make you smile, others are heartbreaking.

    I’d be very happy to send you an e-book or hard copy, or some sample stories.
    Best wishes and thanks,
    Sandra @ http://www.sandradanby.com/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sandra, Yes, I would love to review ‘The Milk of Female Kindness’ on my blog. Thank you for thinking of me.
      I have sent you a message through your blog with my contact information.
      Have a wonderful day.


    1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your thoughtful nomination of me for this award.
      You are such a wonderful social media friend. I always look forward to hearing from you.
      Have an enjoyable day!
      Love back to you.


  11. Hi, thank you for following my blog! I’m sorry it took me so long to pop over to yours. I think it’s so great that you are blogging even though you consider yourself more of a reader. Just because we don’t have the training to write in some fancy way doesn’t mean we should do it! I think passion is all you need in the blogosphere. I was very nervous about my grammar when I started as I was worried people would call me out on it, but being on WordPress has actually improved it tremendously!

    Always happy to discover another bookworm, happy reading. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Becky. The funny thing about blogging is I have found that even best-selling authors aren’t perfect. Some of their blogs that I follow have incorrect spelling, grammar, or punctuation. We are all in the same boat on this. Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to reading your blog.


  12. Hi Michelle, thanks very much for reaching out across the WordPress web! It’s always great to meet other members of the reading / writing community. I love how the internet empowers us to meet each other! I’m looking forward to reading your posts! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Our firm, Bostick Communications, distributes press releases via e-mail for our clients who are authors.  These releases make contacts, such as yourself, aware of new books that are available for review.
    We would like to add you to that database to receive releases from our clients. 
    You will receive one press release per day on the average. You have the opportunity to specify certain genres that you are interested in to reduce the number of releases you receive, if you wish.
    There is no obligation on your part and you may unsubscribe at any time.
    Thank you for your time to consider our service.
    Ken Eason
    Bostick Communications



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