The Best Editing Tools for Creative Writers

Here is a great list of writing tools for all writerly people.

Interesting Literature

By Robert Morris

Have you ever been so consumed by the creative writing process that you were left with no energy for the editing part? That happens to most writers. We don’t have a problem to spend days on a short story or blog post, but even a single hour of editing makes us exhausted. The following editing tools will help you get through the challenge more easily!

Wridea – Creative writers get ideas all the time. Unfortunately, we tend to forget most of them when we don’t write them down. This online app will help you save and organize your ideas, as well as to share them with selected friends. Then, you can easily add more details during the editing stage and make the content perfect.

Poetica – If you are ready to receive some constructive criticism from fellow writers, Poetica is the right destination for you. It doesn’t…

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6 thoughts on “The Best Editing Tools for Creative Writers

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Michelle. I may have missed it otherwise. There are some great programs there to try. I wasn’t aware of any of them. I think Wordcounter sounds useful, but Grammarly might be a bit scary!

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    1. I’ve tried Grammerly. It is a great product, but as with any editing tool, you have to be careful with it’s suggestions. They might not fit the context of your writing. I had to disable it, because it doesn’t work well with MS Office Professional 2010. My office programs were slowed noticeably, and often crashed. I am sure they will eventually get it up to speed.

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