Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

sisterhood-of-the-world-bloggers-awa I’m so happy to have been nominated for this awesome award by the fantastic blogger Stephanie Thomas. Thank you very much for nominating me!

You can find her blog at S.J. Thomas Book Blurbs.  Stephanie is a thriller writer who counts among her favorite books HANNIBAL and THE VELETEEN RABBIT.  She loves reading fiction. Stephanie  also loves cats, and she and her husband own two dogs and five cats. Besides writing, reading, and her large pet family, Stephanie enjoys gardening.

Now let me tell you more about the award: Rules of the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

All recipients need to thank the giver Post 7 things about yourself Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated. Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog So here we go…

All recipients need to thank the giver

THANK YOU SO MUCH Stephanie!!!  I genuinely appreciate your support and the nomination for this award.

7 totally random things about me

1.)  I adore spending time with my grandchildren. There is nothing in the world like it.

2.)  I love to bake and cook, but when it comes to decorating cookies I have no patience.

3.)  I wish days were twice as long.  There are so many things I want to do and so many books I want to read, and there’s never enough time.

4.)  I love decorating for Christmas and Halloween and just about any other occasion that arises.

5.)  I love to be out in nature, gardening, hiking and such, but my allergies and asthma often keep me indoors.

6.)  I would like to be an electrical engineer.

7.)  I love numerals that contain the number 7 – 17, 27, 77, etc.

So now to nominate 7 other bloggers… These are all awesome blogs that I highly recommend you check out!  Great people, interesting postings, good conversations… you won’t be disappointed!

1.)  A Curious Gal

2.) Read Outside the Box

3.) Should Be Reading

4.) Julie Valerie’s Book Blog

5.)  Dreamzandclouds

6.)  True STORIES

7.) Kimberly Faye Reads

Congratulations Nominees!  I wish you a fabulous day today and every day!

13 thoughts on “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

    1. You are welcome. You have an amazing blog, and I look forward to checking it out daily. And thank you again, I most definitely enjoy our social media friendship.


  1. Usually I wish there were two of me, so I could assign the other one all the boring jobs, LOL. Thanks for stopping by my blog, yours looks like fun! Cheers, Brenda


  2. Yay, Congratulations!! And thank you for your kind words 🙂 I hear ya on the decorating cookies… no patience here either. My mom does cake decorating on the side and I have no idea how does what she does. Let alone make it look good. Abstract you want? Sure no problem! And I wish the days were twice as long too. Never enough time for everything. Great list, loved reading it 🙂


    1. Thank you. I am envious of your mother’s cake decorating ability. I worked in a bakery while in college, and I was in awe of the cake decorators there.


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