The Shine On Award

The Crazy. Sweaty. Mommy nominated me for THE SHINE ON AWARD Please check out her amazing blog where she posts about all kinds of things but mostly about her exercise routine. I absolutely love reading her posts, even though just thinking about her routine wears me out.

Here are the rules of the award:
1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog, and link back.
3. Share seven random, interesting things about yourself.
4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers for the Shine On Award, provide a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.

Seven random things about myself that you may or may not know:
1. My grandchildren are the greatest gift my children have ever given me.
2. I don’t like watching television, so I usually read while my husband watches TV.
3. I love to exercise and I work out 5-7 days a week. Mostly, I do Pilates on a reformer which I have at home, but I spend a lot of time in the pool at the gym as well.
4. I want a puppy.
5. I love strawberry shortcake and fried pickles.
6. I’m terrified of high places, and every time I go on a roller coaster, I am positive I will die of a heart attack on the way down the hill. By now, I’ve probably died at least 100 times.
7. I will NEVER jump (skydive) out of a perfectly good plane. Not ever!

My fifteen nominees for The Shine On Award (in no particular order) imgres4are:
1. Book Blather
2. Julie Valerie’s Book Blog
3. S.J. Thomas’ Book Blurbs
4. Bucket List Publications
5. Such a Novel Idea
6. Daily (w)rite
7. Book magnet’s Blog
8. True STORIES.
9. Lowcountry Book Lover
11. The Novice Gardener
12. the skeptical reader
13. crafty Staci
14. Seeking Zeal
15. Cleopatra Loves Books

These are some of the blogs I enjoy following. Please check them out.
Thanks once again Crazy. Sweaty. Mommy for the nomination!

22 thoughts on “The Shine On Award

  1. Oh my gosh, thank you! Thank you!!! I’m so thrilled to be listed with such mighty fine bloggers! Can’t wait to visit all of them and start working on my Shine On Award post. You’ve made my day! Thanks so much. Cheers!


  2. Congratulations! What an honor and thank you for including me! I love your random things especially number two (me too!) and number seven 🙂 Much appreciation and hope you have a wonderful weekend! Happy reading 🙂


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